Catch up with recent news items from Eco Marine Consultants

Chameleons of the Sea – Cuttlefish...
During surveys around the UK, the Eco Marine team have encountered a range of cephalopod species, including the common cuttlefish Sepia officinalis. S. officinalis is the largest cuttlefish species found...

Sandeels and Seabirds: UK Sandeel Protection
Earlier this year in April 2024, the fishing of sandeels was banned for all vessels in the English waters of the North Sea and all Scottish waters. This follows previous...

Seal Sightings in the Thames
It often surprises people to learn of the biodiversity that is present in the Thames Estuary. This includes two species of seal, grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) and harbour seals (Phoca...

Eco Marine Welcomes a Summer Intern
Eco Marine is excited to welcome Rosemary Jevons who has joined Eco Marine Consultants as an intern this summer. Rosemary is taking a placement year to gain experience in the...

Mermaid’s Purses – Elasmobranchs in UK...
As we head into summer you may be spending more time enjoying the beaches across the UK, if so, it is important to draw your attention to these objects pictured...

First Record of Invasive Dwarf Surf...
Eco Marine carries out regular ecological surveys in the Thames Estuary and are experts on identifying the diverse range of species found in the local marine environment. In addition to...

Protected Habitats: Sabellaria spp. Reefs
It is important that Eco Marine staff are up to date on the protected species and habitats present in UK waters as well as the legislation and protection measures associated...

Invasive Species: Chinese Mitten Crabs
Eco Marine carries out ecological surveys in a range of marine environments, therefore it is important that our staff are up to date on the invasive non-native species (INNS) present...

A Welcome To Eco Marine’s Newest...
Eco Marine is excited to welcome Luke Goodall, Assistant Marine Consultant, as the most recent addition to our consultancy and survey team. Luke started at Eco Marine Consultants in September...